Tuesday 12 April 2011

We Have Arrived!!

We arrived here in Kiev almost 24 hours ago.  I'm sorry it's taken me a little time to post this.  I was trying to finish up a post and send it last night but I kept falling asleep over the computer screen, so decided to "save" it (which I actually didn't, I guess!).  I can't find it, so I guess I still need to work on this blogging thing!

Boy, did we sleep!  I have never slept so late when traveling to Europe, but I suppose we really needed it.  It was such an emotional week before leaving, with Kandy in the animal hospital and the rollercoaster of emotions with whether she was going to be okay or not,  in addition to both of us needing to complete projects for work (recurrent training for me, several things for Blake), and then just getting ready to be gone for 3-4 weeks with only 10 days notice!  Yes, we needed the sleep ... ;)

But, WE ARE HERE!!!  I will write more later about what has been a downright pleasant experience so far.  We are very aware that we'd  better embrace it now as things will be markedly different if we end up going to a more remote area of Ukraine.

I'll be in touch.  We're going to walk around the neighborhood for a bit now ...

Sending lots of love!!  xoox


  1. I am so glad you got there safe and sound.
    I am loving following you on your journey through your blog!
    Love Mary

  2. Thanks, Mary!! I really appreciate your support! xoxo
